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Petty Squad "Access"
8 members
$1 $0 first month
then $0.75 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes... **General access to the Discord channels - pretty much all the good stuff**
**Guaranteed thank you videos when you buy merch, not prerecord, personalized just for you!**
**General members only content - all the stuff I can't say or won't say over on the public interwebz.**

Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
VIP Discord Access
Petty Squad "Member"
3 members
$5 $0 first month
then $3.75 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tier as well as... **VIP Discord access - the rest of the channels, including Ronin's private voice and text channels. **
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Petty Squad "Supporter"
2 members
$10 $0 first month
then $7.50 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **Members only products - stuff the general public can't buy **
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
Petty Squad "Sponsor"
2 members
$15 $3.75 first month
then $11.25 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **15% off your total cart and checkout - save some money when buying cool merch! **
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
15% Discount On Merch
Petty Squad "Fanatic"
0 members
$25 $6.25 first month
then $18.75 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **Bloopers and behind the scenes content - You won't believe how many times Ronin fucks up his words **
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
15% Discount On Merch
Bloopers / Behind the Scenes Content
Petty Squad "Pettiologist"
0 members
$50 $12.50 first month
then $37.50 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **Monthly shout-out video - Ronin will make a video with all the people who support with this tier and higher and shout out their personal channels / small businesses**
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
15% Discount On Merch
Bloopers / Behind the Scenes Content
Monthly Shout-Out Video!
Petty Squad "Petty AF"
0 members
$100 $50 first month
then $75 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **Your selfie of choice shown at the end of each long form video - nothing thats NSFW, and keep your cloths on**
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
15% Discount On Merch
Bloopers / Behind the Scenes Content
Monthly Shout-Out Video!
Your Photo In The Credits
Petty Squad "Fuck Around & Find Out"
0 members
$250 $125 first month
then $187.50 for subs

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **Your name or small business name listed at the end of each long form video - You will be credited as Sponsors**
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
15% Discount On Merch
Bloopers / Behind the Scenes Content
Monthly Shout-Out Video!
Your Photo In The Credits
Name / Business In The Credits
Petty Squad "Go Big or Go Home"
0 members
$500 $250 first month
then $375 for subs

** In the wise words of Diane herself, go big, or go home!**

If you are considering purchasing a membership, thank you. It is thanks to people like you that keep the wheels turning over here. Your support goes to ensure we can keep the lights on and the videos uploading. This tier includes everything from the previous tiers as well as... **Call phones phone - yah, he's that desperate call his phone, anytime... just have pants on please **
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for being a fan of what Ronin does!

VIP Discord Access
General Members Only Content
Guaranteed Thank You Videos
Members Only Products
15% Discount On Merch
Bloopers / Behind the Scenes Content
Monthly Shout-Out Video!
Your Photo In The Credits
Name / Business In The Credits
Call Ronin
Free Exclusive "Go big or go home" shirt or hoodie. (After 2 consecutive months)
One time use $500 Store Credit (After 3 consecutive months)